God created fruit and vegetation, not animal flesh, to be eaten with thanks. If forbidding certain foods proves demonic influence, then that would mean God is following a demon, since God gave numerous food prohibitions throughout the Bible. Calling the Spirit of God a demon is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The passage is not doing this but is instead talking about hypocritical liars who abandon the faith and forbid what God declares good.

The complete 8-page study guide can be viewed, printed, or downloaded in pdf form below:

Here is the Zoom recording of the Vegan Christian Discipleship School meeting discussing this study guide:

To watch the Friday Night Live Talk (30-minute Presentation and Q&A) on this topic, based on this study guide, click here:

To join the discipleship school’s email list and be able to participate in the live Zoom meetings, email school@creationcarechurch.org.

Study guides and Zoom recordings from previous Discipleship School meetings can be found here.

Craig does not get paid for any of his work as church pastor, study guide writer, or discipleship school instructor. It is completely voluntary and offered for free, in order to be accessible to as many people as possible. To help support the continuation of his work (by helping to pay for website costs, materials, and other expenses), please consider donating what you are able to his Swords to Plowshares ministry here.

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Thank you and God bless!